Thursday, October 7, 2010

Portraits - {Me}

All of my life I have driven by these places. They are close to where I grew up and I've always wanted to stop and take pictures. Well I finally did it. It was lots of fun. :)


I just LOVE this blue!

1 comment:

  1. I like how on the 1st one the colors are rustic but the yellow on the purse still stands out, and on the 2nd one how you did the edges all burnt, and the 3rd is my FAVORITE your smile and face is just SO Radiant and Happy and the colors make your face just stand out. and the last is a must :) I love the character in this picture how you have your camera bag (as a little hint that you have good tastes and that you are a photographer) and then there is K.C.s farmer tan (lets you know that he has been out side alot)
